Recently students in Years 3 to 6 participated in two cyber safety sessions delivered by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner. The sessions were delivered via Webex and complemented curriculum studied by the students.
The Office of the eSafety Commissioner maintains an excellent website full of information on issues related to online safety. It also regularly schedules open sessions through schools to raise awareness and educate members of the community about safety online.
Children and their online safety was the focus of the first session, and the second saw parents or carers attend with their children to promote and participate in open communication about online issues. Both sessions provided advice on where to go for help when managing interactions in the online environment.
Session 1: Keeping safe and healthy online
This session was specifically for young people and offered valuable advice, including:
- how to safely communicate online
- healthy online habits
Session 2: My house, my rules
In this session parents/carers and their children discussed their family’s approach to online issues. The session covered:
- privacy and security online
- common online issues
During the sessions activities created opportunities for discussion such as drawing parallels between home safety and online safety, and what to do in real life situations.
If you are interested in more information visit the Key Issues page and/or sign up for up-to-date information about new eSafety resources, online issues, events, blogs and the latest resources.