Studying online offers many opportunities for students working at a distance. There is a need, however, to protect students from exposure to inappropriate online material or activities, to be aware of the risks associated with some online activities, and to adopt protective online behaviour.
The Department of Education (DoE) makes every reasonable effort to achieve this by educating and informing students and parents, as well as by putting measures in place to monitor DOE email traffic and internet access. All activities conducted using the Department's online services may be logged and accessed for administrative, legal or security purposes.
The SIDE Secondary School’s processes are aligned with the Department's Students Online Policy and Guidelines.
The Application for Enrolment Form requires students and parents to sign a declaration indicating that they agree to the use of online services in the delivery of the distance learning program and that they understand the implications for any inappropriate behaviour by a student.
Provision is provided for parents or students who did not indicate their agreement on the Application for Enrolment Form to download the Online Services Agreement and submit the signed copy via fax or email.
The Australian Governments's eSafety site is an excellent resource for students, parents, supervisors and teachers: