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STUDENTS       DOE STAFF               

Please read Fast Track to SIDE and Parent Supervisor FAQ before starting the application. 2025 Courses and Programs information is available at Curriculum Overview.

Home-based students are those students where SIDE is the only school at which the student is enrolled.

Enrolment at SIDE is based on eligibility criteria within one enrolment category being met and documentation being supplied. There is a minimum enrolment period of at least 20 school weeks or one Western Australian school semester. Students must participate in a full-time program. Enrolments are reviewed annually.

To apply to enrol, a student must be a resident of Western Australia and an approved Australian resident.

2025 timetable options 

  • Applicants are advised to follow the steps below and track them with the checklist.

    • Step 1. Eligibility Information

      Determine if your child is eligible and the enrolment category.

      Dance/Ballet Schools  

      The student needs to demonstrate that they are enrolled in a full time registered ballet/dance school and unable to attend a mainstream school.

      Conditions of enrolment
      For enrolment to be accepted parents/caregivers must sign their agreement to the general conditions stated in the online Enrolment Declaration (initial enrolment application). In addition parents/caregivers enrolling dance/ballet school students understand:
      • Students must attend SIDE half a day per week (8.30 am – 1.10 pm)
      • Students will complete the academic program set by SIDE for their year level
      • Students will sit tests and exams on site at SIDE
      Additional documents required for enrolment:
      • an acceptance letter from a registered ballet school

      Elite Performance (Arts/Sports)  

      The student needs to demonstrate that they are participating in high level competition or performance and unable to attend a mainstream school.

      Additional documents required for enrolment:
      • Evidence of involvement with competition/performance at a national/international level and
      • Evidence of support by an official organisation in particular area and/or
      • Independent documentation attesting to level of achievement.

      Geographical Isolation  

      The student needs to demonstrate that they are geographically isolated in WA as defined by at least one of the categories below:
      • The distance between home and the nearest appropriate government school/s is 16km or more and the distance between home and *available transport service/s to the nearest appropriate government school/s is 4.5km or more, or
      • The distance between home and the nearest appropriate government school/s is 8km or more and distance between home and *available transport service/s to the nearest appropriate government school/s is 8km or more, or
      • The travel time between home and the nearest appropriate government school/s return journey takes 3 hours or more.

      *Available transport service means any regular scheduled public transport, private carrier or school service that currently provides a pick-up point within the specified distances of the student's home or would do so if requested by the family.

      Travelling Temporarily  


      The maximum enrolment period is up to two years.
      Students are not eligible to apply for SIDE if they are enrolled at an overseas school.
      Additional documents required for enrolment:

      • Travel documents (airline tickets/itinerary) and/or
      • Signed parent/care-giver work contract with place of employment and time period of employment or
      • Evidence that may be approved by the SIDE Principal.
      • WA based students maintain their enrolment at their current school and enrol at SIDE in partnership with their current school on a Section 24 under the WA Education Act.
        A Section 24 arrangement is used for primary or secondary students who are temporarily attending another school or who wish to undertake an alternative attendance arrangement for short term programs provided by another school or training organisation away from the student’s current school.
      Within Australia

      The maximum enrolment period is up to one year.
      Additional documents required for enrolment:

      • Holiday itinerary and/or
      • Parent/care-giver work contract or
      • Evidence that may be approved by the SIDE Principal

    • Step 2. Confirm eligibility

      Contact SIDE and ask to speak to the Regional Coordinator responsible for your category / region.


      Complete the relevant form below:

      Secondary Enrolments Enquiries (for students who may be travellers, dance/sports/arts, geographically isolated, etc.)

      Referral Program Enquiries (for students with severe medical/chronic health conditions, mental health, pregnancy etc.)

      A SIDE Regional Coordinator will contact you to confirm eligibility to continue with the enrolment process.

    • Step 3. Gather

      E-documents for the student’s application from the list below:

      All applications

      • Birth certificate and/or Passport
      • Proof of Western Australian address e.g. utility account, rental agreement
      • Immunisation record
      • School Reports from the previous two year’s schooling
      • NAPLAN and OLNA results

      As relevant:

    • Step 4. Commence application
      Start and complete online application within 2-3 days by visiting our

              Application for Enrolment Portal .

      For Dance/Arts/Sports students OR students who attend SIDE Leederville on a regular basis, complete the online form below:

              Student Leave Pass Form
    • Step 5. Check
      During the process, several emails requiring responses will arrive from either:


      Remember to check junk email.
    • Step 6. Sign
      Tick, print, sign and scan Declaration Form (PDF preferred) and email to:
    • Step 7. Approval
      Check for confirmation email from:

      Regional Coordinator will make contact in due time to help with getting your child started.

  • Step 1

    Download, save and then complete the  appropriate Re-enrolment Form:

    NOTE: All completed forms must be emailed to

    Year 7 Re-enrolment Form

    Year 8 Re-enrolment Form

    Year 9 Re-enrolment Form

    Year 10 Re-enrolment Form

    Year 11 Re-enrolment Form

    Year 12 Re-enrolment Form

    Step 2

    For Dance/Arts/Sports students OR students who attend SIDE Leederville on a regular basis only, complete the online form below:

    Student Leave Pass Form

    This form is required to be filled in for every year that the student is enrolled at SIDE.

    Step 3

    Submit completed, signed, scanned copies of the following documents to

    1. Re-enrolment Form
    2. Student Leave Pass Form (only if applicable)
    3. Additional relevant documentation to support eligibility

    Step 4

    A SIDE Regional Coordinator will contact you shortly.