SIDE is an online school and the public provider of K-12 distance education in Western Australia.
To apply to enrol, a student must be a resident of Western Australia and an approved Australian resident. There is a minimum enrolment period of at least 20 school weeks or one Western Australian school semester and students must be of compulsory school age. Each student’s enrolment eligibility is regularly reviewed.
Eligibility criteria and required documentation will vary, depending on the enrolment category. The following categories contain guidelines for determining enrolment eligibility. Application enrolment links can be found on each category page.
Home based students are those students where SIDE is the only school at which the student is enrolled. This category covers students who are:
- geographically isolated
- temporarily living overseas or travelling within Australia or overseas and not enrolled at a local school
Go to the K-6 Home Based Students application page.
Students can apply to enrol with SIDE through the Referral Program. This Program is coordinated by SIDE’s school psychologists and is designed to provide support for students who are unable to attend a regular school due to:
- severe medical/chronic health problems
- severe mental health issues
- pregnancy or parenting responsibilities
- other special cases.
Go to the K-6 Special Circumstances application page.
Please read A Guide to SIDE Primary K-6 to familiarise yourself with requirements.