SIDE uses Connect as an additional means of communicating with parents, providing you with access to certain information regarding your child's education at SIDE.
Log in at
If not already registered, parents with a valid email address in our system will be assigned a ‘P number’ (parent number). If you have multiple children, you only need one login, even if your children attend different public schools. Parents with valid P numbers will receive notices via email through the School Space and may also receive messages from teachers.
As a parent, when you log in to Connect, you will have access to the following information:
- The School Space, where previous notices are stored.
- The classes in which your child is enrolled.
- Assessment and course outlines for each mainstream secondary subject in which your child is enrolled.
- Assessment results for mainstream secondary subjects.
- Interim and semester reports for your child.
If you have children in other schools which are already using Connect, you may be familiar with some additional uses of Connect, such as for submission and return of student work. SIDE uses Moodle for these functions.
As well as being able to log in to Connect on any internet-enabled device, you may also receive notices from Connect that will be sent to you as either an email or a notification on your phone. A free app called Connect Now can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple App Store and will let you receive Connect notices as push notifications.
Step by Step Guide for Parents
Please note that If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress at SIDE, you are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher by telephone or email at any time.
If you have misplaced your P number or if you have any questions about the introduction of Connect at SIDE, please contact us, by or on 9311 1400.