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As we gradually emerge from staying at home after the outbreak of COVID-19 in WA, some of SIDE’s full-time ballet students wrote to Student Coordinator Dylan Reid about their lives under social distancing.

In the creative arts, especially dance, this can be very difficult, as dancers work with each other in a very physical way. For some students the time at home was a little difficult, for others it was an opportunity to spend time with family, and to try dance related activities online. As you can see from the comments below, almost everyone enjoyed their chocolates!

How do these experiences compare to yours in self-isolation?

  • General comments
    Lately things have been pretty boring and nothing very exciting has happened recently. During the holidays I spent my time with the family and watched many movies and TV shows 😉 I also did some online ballet classes in one of our family rooms and I’m so grateful for the changes my parents have made to help self-isolating easier for my brother and me. At the beginning it was hard to be motivated but I’ve made a routine which makes staying home more interesting, easy and fun. Isabella, Year 8

    Just letting you know that the schooling through Webex is going really well, I’m not finding any difficulties. During the holidays I have still been doing online ballet classes! PSB have hosted some free online classes for anyone to join. Other than that I didn’t do much but recently I’ve just been studying and doing some online classes, they are WAAAAAYYYY different at home than they are in the studio. Maya, Year 7
  • On social distancing
    Isolation isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be because I got extra time to work on dance and improve my technique! I also got a chance to get a bit more school work done which is extremely helpful. Sylvan, Year 7

    I am finding isolation a little challenging, just not seeing people at all is not something I am used to. Harrison, Year 7

    I have done some family Zoom calls with my grandparents and cousins that have been really fun and I have ordered some new clothes online for Easter that are going to take months to get here. Ava, Year 7

    Isolation is going well for me but it is becoming quite boring not being able to see friends or family. I’m not having any issues or problems with learning through SIDE at home so far which is good. Isabella, Year 9
  • On the holidays and Easter
    Easter was fantastic and I enjoyed a few Easter eggs! We got to have a lovely breakfast that my mum and dad made and some hot cross buns. I have been keeping myself occupied by reading books, movies, Tik Tok and playing animal crossing new horizons on my Nintendo switch. Sylvan, Year 7

    My holidays have been great. I have been watching movies, playing lots of board games and trying new baking recipes. I did an Easter egg hunt and ate lots of chocolate. 😆 Amelia, Year 7.

    Over the holidays I went for a lot early morning walks by the beach which was nice and also went for a swim, I did watch a lot of Tik Tok!! I was keeping up with my stretching and conditioning because I haven't been able to dance in 3 months and it feels good to be back. Taylor, Year 9
  • On dance classes from home
    As a class we have had scheduled timetables for our dance so the day is actually quite busy! The problem with working at home is the environment, because the floor is different and harder to dance on. I also have pets that wander around constantly when I'm trying to do a class and they are quite distracting! Sylvan, Year 7

    In the last few weeks I have been attending lots of ballet, contemporary, Spanish and pilates Zoom classes that have been running from around 8:30 to about 3:00 every day. I have had to make lots of space for dancing in my living room but it’s really different from the studios. Ava, Year 7

    At Charlesworth we attend Zoom classes all day every day! It’s feels strange not being in the studio and having to dance from home but I’m starting to get used to it. Isabella, Year 9

    We haven’t had much time to do school work, even though we aren’t going to school! I have been starting Zoom classes at 7:30 am and continuing until 4ish, very tiring!! Harrison, Year 7

    Online dance classes are quite a challenge because of the flooring and space but Mum and I have bought some Tarkett and cleared out my lounge room so that’s definitely helps! Ella, Year 9

    I am doing zoom classes for ballet all day every day! it's a lot harder dancing at home because we have basically concrete ground as our dance floor but thankfully I have Tarkett to dance on! It's also hard not being able to see myself. 😅 I usually like having a mirror in-front of me so I know what I'm doing when the teacher gives me corrections! It is also very hard not being able to move around because we are in much smaller spaces. Taylor, Year 9.