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STUDENTS       DOE STAFF               

Covid19 is currently impacting everyone.

We would like to reassure you that SIDE staff are working together to keep you safe and connected.

On 26 March the Premier and the Minister for Education made announcements about schooling. There are significant changes planned to support students and parents during Term 2 and beyond.

Read the Education Minister’s Letter to Parents and Carers.

SIDE is already an online school. In Term 2 students will attend as usual using:

  • WebEx for face-to-face classes
  • Moodle for online resources and activities.

Teachers will be available to work with you as usual.

SIDE’s school-based students from regional and remote schools may work from home online, which will mean that they will need to be organised for the SIDE part of their school work.

SIDE teachers will be making arrangements for those students who do not have access to a computer or the internet from home. These students will not be disadvantaged.

From Friday 3 April there will not be any formal lessons conducted by SIDE teachers. Students may use this time to complete work previously set.