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STUDENTS       DOE STAFF               

Monday 19 August – Friday 23 August

Children’s Book Week celebrates Australian books for younger readers. Presented by the Children’s Book Council of Australia, the week is highlighted by the annual Book of the Year Awards. Judges read all the books submitted for judging and create a short list which is released in March of each year.

In August – TODAY – the winning titles are announced.

cbca 2019 Book of the Year winners

Over the next week the SIDE Library Resource Centre will offer students opportunities to read and discuss the shortlisted books, and the theme of Book Week 2019. Visit the Library in person to check out the displays, login to search for shortlisted books in the library, or visit your local library to find out what they are doing to celebrate Children’s Book Week.

Reading is my SECRET POWER’ is the Children’s Book Week theme.

Pre-primary to Year 2 students in Webex can choose to dress up as a book character, or in costume related to the theme, or share their secret reading powers! They will also be discussing the shortlisted books from the Early Childhood Award category. Year 5 and 6 students will discuss the theme and the shortlisted books from the Younger Readers category. Secondary students will discuss selected titles in their English classes.

There are lots of Book Week giveaways. Contact the SIDE Library to find out more.