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STUDENTS       DOE STAFF               

New students to SIDE attended an Orientation Day on Friday December 7th. Students attending reflected SIDE’s diverse enrolment groups; regional and dance students, elite athletes, and Australian and Overseas travellers.

Year 7s arrived at 8.30am and were met by Student Coordinator Paula Bowen from the Student Services team. They participated in activities with Arts and Technologies teachers, creating artworks to take away at the end of the day, and also in a session learning about the Library Resource Centre.

New students from Years 8-12 arrived in time for Morning Tea in the Student Hub, making connections with other student and with teachers.

All students attended a session about online learning at SIDE. Narelle Carlon from the Online Teaching and Learning Team led students through fun activities learning about using Moodle and introducing them to SIDE’s new online classroom application, Webex. The OTL team and Paula Bowen assisted students as they progressed through the activities.

At the end of the morning students were addressed by the Principal, In conversation students said they had found the sessions very useful in taking away a little of the anxiety about beginning at a new, online school.