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How are you celebrating the Centenary of distance education in Western Australia?

Students from K to 12 in Humanities and Social Science students from K to 12 at SIDE are contributing to the Centenary celebrations by creating a book about the 100 years that the distance education school has existed in Western Australia. Students have selected a specific year to research. Each year creates an historical context for the events listed in the Centenary timeline. Students use skills of historical inquiry to research and apply their learning in a simple template to create the book, which will be placed in a Time Capsule in the Reception area of SIDE Leederville after the Open Day in November.

Students from WA and travellers interstate and overseas are part of this fantastic project. There are still opportunities available if any student would like to select a year.

A competition later in the year will give all students an opportunity to suggest small items that could be placed in the Time Capsule. For further information contact your SIDE HASS Teacher or Ros Keron ( who is coordinating the project.

Caro sisters
Caro sisters

The Caro sisters are studying with SIDE while living in Thailand. Each of the girls is working on one year with the assistance of their History and HASS teachers.