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Authors Online Program  |  Chris Owen talks with our students online

Local author Chris Owen, presented two Saba sessions to SIDE students on Friday 27 March; one for primary students and the other for secondary students. As students attended from around Western Australia and the world, Chris told them how fantastic it was that he was able to share his books with students in the "biggest school in the world!"

Chris Owen smallChris spoke to students about his first book, My Super Hero, which is written in verse. As well as talking about who might be a super hero, he read the book aloud, discussed the poetic devices he used and the relationship between the text and the illustrations by Moira Court. He also read the book he is currently writing to secondary students and three poems to the primary students.

Student responses:
  • "You are a good writer writing with all your might. I surely believe that this was a good sight."
  • "Thank you so much for the lesson Chris. I really enjoyed the book and how you read it to us. Good luck with any other projects you will be working on."
  • "I enjoyed listening to your rhymes."
  • "I've never liked poetry or rhymes but now I don't mind it."