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We love telling people about the exciting things happening at SIDE.

Internationally renowned author talks with our students.

There was great excitement on Thursday 12 June when internationally renowned author Morris Gleitzman and actor Paul-William Mawhinney visited SIDE.  Morris and Paul were visiting WA to promote Morris’ new book, Loyal Creatures.  and took part in an online web-conferencing event, using Saba Classroom. 77 students and teachers from SIDE Leederville and the Schools of the Air attended. Participants were situated across the state and beyond.


As part of National Science Week, more than 1000 students participated in a webcast with UK scientist Dr Chris Smith and BBC journalist Victoria Gill.


Continuing our tradition of distinction in teaching and learning, two SIDE teachers have received awards for professional excellence.


Wan-Yi Sweeting was SIDE's Academic Dux for 2012. She wrote this letter just after graduating.

My Story

I am really honoured to have been selected as the winner of the 2012 Dux award. I couldn’t have managed without the wonderful support of my teachers and supervisors.


By any measure, Wan-Yi Sweeting is an extraordinary young woman. She came to Australia aged 11, to board at a large Perth girls' school. At 13, she was selected for the WA Tennis Academy, which meant a hectic international touring schedule, and she chose to continue her schooling with SIDE.


As part of SIDE's regular Authors Online program, Australian Children's Laureate Boori Monty Pryor visited SIDE to work with more than 90 students in Centra, our online web-conferencing application.

Boori is a celebrated author, performer, dancer and poet, and is one of two Australian Children’s Literature Alliance (ACLA) Children's Laureates for 2012-13, appointed to promote the importance of reading.


Studying through distance education proves no barrier to achievement for SIDE students. Four of our studentss have been recognised for their commitment to excellence in two areas of study.
