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We love telling people about the exciting things happening at SIDE.

Each year, National Reconciliation Week celebrates and builds on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.


Scitech staff Shelley Turnbull and Laura Pitts visited SIDE in the last week of term one and performed their magic for our cameras. The performance helped finish the term with some fun science.


SIDE is proud to have an Olympic athlete as one of our Year 12 students. Swimmer Tamsin Cook has been selected to represent Australia in Rio in the 400m and 800m freestyle events. Tamsin's achievement is made even more remarkable by being the youngest member of the swimming team.


The Department for Child Protection and Family Support, Western Australia Police and Edith Cowan University are providing free parent and carer Cyber Safe - Cyber Smart seminars on 16, 17 and 18 November. Information on the seminars is at

In support of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF), SIDE staff participated in the Great Book Swap on Indigenous Literacy Day, Wednesday 2 September. The Great Book Swap was hosted by the teacher librarians, in conjunction with the Whole School Literacy and Numeracy Committee. A wonderful display of books by Indigenous authors was also created in the SIDE Library Resource Centre. 


SIDE has maintained its reputation for excellence in Visual Arts, with three students having work selected for recent exhibitions.


Authors Online Program  |  Chris Owen talks with our students online

Local author Chris Owen, presented two Saba sessions to SIDE students on Friday 27 March; one for primary students and the other for secondary students. As students attended from around Western Australia and the world, Chris told them how fantastic it was that he was able to share his books with students in the "biggest school in the world!"


Authors Online Program  |  Craig Silvey talks with our students online

Craig Silvey, author of Rhubarb, Jasper Jones and The Amber Amulet, visited SIDE on Tuesday 3 March to speak to Year 10 and 11 English students, using the Saba Classroom. SIDE students participated from around Western Australia, interstate and overseas, including Kenya and India.
