Congratulations to all our Primary Leavers!
Abel Algie |
Ava Boekhoorn |
Kayla Cochrane |
Eva Dyson |
Deakin Gould |
Madeline Gregor |
Hanna Leopold |
Amelia Marson |
Sienna Rowcliffe |
Eleanor Ryan |
Maryam Saleh |
Mohammed Saleh |
Scarlett Simmons |
Chloe Townsend |
Eva Veeman |
Get the Leavers Booklet here
Congratulations to all primary award winners!
Year 6 - Abel Algie
Abel has shown a commitment and persistence in his SIDE work this year. He has used the SIDE work to not only build on his strengths, but to also work on improving in all areas. He has demonstrated a keen interest in the world around him and has given a great insight into sailing life. He has been a great addition to the online classroom this term and always contributes his thoughts and ideas in a mature way.
Year 6 - Deakin Gould
Deakin always completes his SIDE work with enthusiasm and independence. He always submits work of a high standard with great attention to detail. Deakin has maintained this commitment even when travelling in remote locations. His great sense of humour has been evident in his work and interactions with his teacher.
Year 6 - Eva Dyson
Eva has had a highly successful school year. She has maintained high standards by being diligent, providing excellent presentation of Sets and showing a depth of understanding and skill in all subjects. She has demonstrated a high level of independent learning abilities and she has a thoughtful approach to her studies. Eva consistently attended regular online lessons where she participated willingly and contributed enthusiastically.
Year 6 - Amelia Marson
Amelia is a motivated student who approaches learning with enthusiasm and consistently completes her schoolwork at a high standard. She has demonstrated a high level of independent learning skills and has a mature approach to her studies.
Year 5 - Nathaniel Herbert
Nathaniel approaches learning with enthusiasm and a positive attitude. He is organised, self-motivated and always works to the best of his ability. His commitment to learning is to be commended.
Year 4 - Yusuf Amiruddin
Yusuf’s approach to all learning tasks has been exceptional. He has displayed a mature and positive attitude towards his school work. Yusuf is a motivated student who consistently returns work of a high standard. His use of many multimedia presentations, using different techniques and software have demonstrated his passion for technology and love of sharing his knowledge with others. He is to be commended for maintaining his enthusiasm and consistent performance.
Year 4 - Matthew Bussola
Matthew has completed an excellent year. He has a positive approach to his learning and is motivated to do well, always willing to take advice and look for ways to improve his results. He has returned a very high standard of work all year. In his daily online lessons, Matthew can always be relied upon to arrive early and participate as a well-mannered class member, always willingly to contribute ideas and work collaboratively with his peers. It has been a pleasure to teach Matthew this year and to work with his home tutor Gabby.
Year 3 - Mira Wojdylo
Mira is consistently dedicated to producing her personal best, and puts a great amount of effort into all areas of the curriculum. Mira’s classwork is always of the highest quality and far exceeds expectations for Year 3. She always presents herself as a positive, enthusiastic and committed student and is a fantastic role model for her peers.
Year 3 - Noah Downs
Noah is a conscientious, hard-working and self-motivated student. He consistently completes schoolwork on time and consistently puts forth his personal best effort. He often exceeds expectations with the quality of his work, and readily grasps new concepts and ideas.
Year 2 - Marsha Ambrose
Marsha is a motivated student who has a positive and enthusiastic approach to all learning opportunities. She regularly attends online lessons where she contributes politely and is always willing to share her learning experiences with others. Marsha produces quality work and she is to be congratulated for her consistent commitment to her SIDE studies whilst living overseas.
Year 2 - William Conway
William is to be congratulated on his commitment and dedication to learning. He has been immersed in a stimulating and supportive learning environment overseas which has allowed him to extend and expand on his knowledge and understanding. William has an enquiring mind and has embraced the learning opportunities offered in this global classroom. His positive approach to learning has seen William make significant achievements in all learning areas. William should be proud of his efforts this year.
Year 1 - Emily John
Emily enthusiastically embraces all learning opportunities presented to her. She is a motivated student who consistently returns work of a high standard.
In online lessons, Emily confidently shares her experiences, contributes ideas and is polite and helpful to others.
Pre Primary - Ariya Grenenger
Ariya is to be congratulated on her positive and enthusiastic attitude towards her learning. She completed all assigned work and consistently produced work of a high standard. Ariya has made significant achievements in all learning areas and also demonstrated her artistic flair by creating some wonderful art pieces to support her work. It has been a pleasure guiding Ariya through her Pre-Primary year and observing her admirable progress.