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The School of Isolated and Distance Education Registered Training Organisation (SIDE RTO) was established in 2019 to provide Vocational Education and Training (VET) services to schools across Western Australia, regardless of location.

SIDE RTO offers customised solutions to schools to enable students to embark on a VET pathway. Vocational Education and Training is practical, hands on and enables students to gain nationally-recognised qualifications to prepare for further study or develop transferrable workplace knowledge and skills for future employment.




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Artist statement

My artwork explores the idea that people have different styles of thinking influenced by the left and right side of the brain. This is shown through the Fibonacci sequence which represents an underlying order and is portrayed in my portrait as a fragile tiara of light – a crown fringed with a cog-like edge. The fact that the sequence begins at the eye refers to how this influences our general perception of life. It wraps around the brow and forehead, also suggesting power. My interest in art and science have led me to interact and empathise with different groups of people. This choice carries through to my artwork and illustrates how polarities can exist in a single entity.


SIDE is a Teacher Development School: Languages. Five languages can be studied at SIDE; Chinese, French, Indonesian, Italian and Japanese in Years K-12. Learning a language through SIDE is fun, technologically exciting and challenging. SIDE Language teachers are highly trained and experienced.

Primary Languages Program is available to Western Australian regional and remote primary schools unable to access a face-to-face languages teacher. Schools apply to be part of this P-6 program. Click here to find out more.

SIDE Primary (Years 3-6) provides language instruction to children attending SIDE Primary School. Click here to find out more.

SIDE Lower Secondary (Years 7-10). Check out the extract from Lower Secondary Curriculum Handbook for Years 7-10 to find out more about the languages offered in these years.

SIDE Senior Secondary (Years 11-12). ATAR courses are offered in five languages. Certificate courses are offered in Japanese. For further details click the relevant link.

Year 11 Chinese French Indonesian Italian Japanese
Year 12 Chinese French Indonesian Italian Japanese

Please see the Languages Enrolments page for specific SCSA requirements for Year 11 and 12 language course enrolments.

Schools wishing to enrol with the SIDE Primary Languages Program for 2024 please contact Simone Menager 9311 1413 or Kathryn Lamberto 9311 1492.

DSC 0004Languages are mandated for all primary students from Year 3 to Year 6. Further information is available from:

  Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority

The SIDE Primary Languages Program delivers Chinese, French, Indonesian, Italian and Japanese lessons to regional and remote primary schools unable to access a face-to-face languages teacher.

Why learn a language through SIDE?

Learning a language through SIDE is fun, technologically exciting and challenging. SIDE Language teachers are highly trained and experienced. They deliver online lessons to students in regional, rural and remote schools from the SIDE campus in Leederville.

How is the SIDE Languages program delivered?

Languages classes are delivered to the students during the normal school timetable by a variety of technologies determined by the needs of the school. Standard lesson delivery is online via web conferencing. Other platforms may be available. The SIDE Language teachers work closely with the base school teachers to ensure that the learning program is engaging and relevant.

Programs are available for students Pre-primary to Year 6. Maximum class size is 12 students. Timetabling of concurrent classes may be possible but may depend upon staffing, internet speed and the number of available computers.

The program is delivered in two 40 minute lessons each week. This provides optimal learning opportunities for the students and minimises the effect of breaks in the program due to school events or technical issues. This time allocation is not negotiable.

Once participation in the program is confirmed, schools must commit to the program for the whole school year.

What are the requirements of the base school?

Students must be actively supervised during lesson delivery. This is a school responsibility and is a condition of participation in the Language program.

Technical requirements
  • An internet connected Windows PC (version 10) or Apple Mac (OS version 10.13 or above).
  • Reliable internet connection (recommended minimum speed 10 mbps).
  • A USB microphone headset for each computer.
  • An up-to-date web browser.