SIDE’s travelling careers incursion, The Mini Industry Roadshow, had the absolute pleasure of visiting the Western Australian Southwest region in Term 1, 2024.
We engage the students from Brookton District High School, Kojonup District High School, and Wagin District High School in hands-on practical skills training.
Brookton is situated in the heart of the Avon Valley and is renowned for its grand heritage architecture and natural habitats teaming with rare native wildlife. Kojanup (‘Kodja’ or stone axe) is nestled in the rural heartland of the Great Southern region, it’s a thriving country town, with a long proud history. Wagin (meaning the Emu’s Watering Place) is in the Great Southern Region and is home to the largest annual sheep show in the southern hemisphere - Wagin Woolorama.
Kojonup District High School
Students at the schools had an opportunity to participate in training with industry professionals in carpentry and cabinet making, sound engineering, and electrical engineering. Students engaged in hands on practical skills learning workshops while discussing pathway options and learning the ‘ins an outs’ of a career in each industry.
The multitalented Blake Chase wowed the young learners with fascinating world of electrical engineering, allowing them to witness firsthand the immense potential of this field, while additionally talking students through his other career as a skydiver and how he blends these two industries seamlessly.
Leon Ewing explored sound engineering and music creation with the excited students; in the workshop students recorded their music loops, using sound generators and specialised industry equipment, as well as recording regional language to create exciting soundscapes.
Students were presented with an in-depth look at cabinet making by Carpentry-in-Schools. This workshop empowered students with the expert knowledge of the field and explored the possibilities of a career path in this industry. It was a fun hands-on workshop, with lots of opportunities to work and create with wood with expert guidance.
The Mini Industry Roadshow through the Southwest region was a fabulous series of workshops designed to inspire students to explore different career pathways and to hear from actual industry professionals in a fun and exciting incursion.
Thank you to Brookton, Kojanup and Wagin District High Schools and most importantly, the inspiring and awesome students for welcoming us and getting involved in The Mini Industry Roadshow.