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Year Level: Years 10-12
Program Information: - 10949NAT - Certificate II in Applied Language

Course Content Description:

The Certificate II is comprised of the following 4 units of competency:

Year 11

NAT10949001 Conduct basic oral communication for social purposes in a language other than English.

NAT10949003 Read and write basic documents for social purposes in a language other than English.

Topics covered for the above will include:

  • Exchanging basic personal information
  • Describing friends and family
  • Talking about hobbies and free time activities
  • Making and responding to invitations and suggestions

Year 12

NAT10949002 Conduct basic workplace oral communication in a language other than English.

NAT10949004 Read and write basic workplace documents in a language other than English.

Topics covered for the above will include:

  • Shopping and working in a retail context
  • Japanese food, including recipes and menus
  • Taking orders in a restaurant or cafe
  • Giving directions and providing general tourist information about your town

Students learn:

  • practical skills which enable effective oral communication in the workplace or community
  • cultural communication skills which assist in industry
Recommended Background: An interest in Japanese language and culture. C grade in Year 9 Japanese minimum, Year 10 desirable.
Mode of Delivery: Online in Moodle and live, online lessons. RTO partnership agreement with Ripponlea Institute (21230)
Textbooks / Stationery: N/A
Certificate Completion: Contributes to WACE achievement
General Pathway: Entry into training or the workforce