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SIDE was excited to welcome back one of Australia’s leading Aboriginal performing arts companies this week.

Based in Perth, Yirra Yaakin performed its most recent production Bilya Kaatijin in the SIDE studio this week.

Bilya Kaatijin means ‘Fresh Water Knowledge’ in Noongar. The new production, written by Zac James, is intended for Years K-6 and is the fourth and final story in Yirra Yaakin’s Kaatijin series.

The play connects stories from Noongar land (south-west Western Australia) to Wonguktha land (the northern Goldfields), Aotearoa (New Zealand) and the Kikuyu people of Kenya. Journeying through global Dreaming stories the show teaches the importance of accepting others, the power of empathy and the impact of climate change on the land and the Noongar seasons.

The production continues Yirra Yaakin’s involvement in connecting young people and families with important cultural knowledge and stories about our region.

SIDE is the Digital Education partner with Yirra Yaakin. The partnership provides access to the Yirra Yaakin recordings including Bilya Kaatijin in addition to other activities for students and staff, and support for its new initiative, the Ngalaka Daa Youth Ensemble.

To find out more about Yirra Yaakin visit their website at