School-based supervisors are assigned by schools to support their students’ success in their SIDE study programs. SIDE teachers teach the students through online learning.
School supervisors:
- actively communicate with the SIDE Regional Coordinator and teachers
- support SIDE students with their day-to-day studies including attending online lessons
- ensure students complete their completed work according to SIDE course and assessment guidelines
- where applicable supervise assessments, tests and exams.
The workload will depend on factors such as: the number of students, year levels, geographic location, number of subjects/courses selected and whether SIDE provides some or all of the student program.
Learning at SIDE
SIDE’s timetable is structured around 40-minute periods. While schools have some capacity to request the best fit for their own timetables during the September – December timetabling period, the timetable reflects SIDE’s own timetabling constraints.
SIDE teachers are in regular communication with schools and students.
SIDE uses two main platforms for teaching and learning.
- Webex is the SIDE platform for live, online lessons. Two Webex lessons per week are timetabled for many SIDE subjects/courses.
- Moodle is SIDE’s 24/7 learning management system where students complete work independently, under the direction and guidance of their teachers.