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  • Introducing the School-Based Supervisor role

    School-based supervisors are assigned by schools to support their students’ success in their SIDE study programs. SIDE teachers teach the students through online learning.

    School supervisors:

    • actively communicate with the SIDE Regional Coordinator and teachers
    • support SIDE students with their day-to-day studies including attending online lessons
    • ensure students complete their completed work according to SIDE course and assessment guidelines
    • where applicable supervise assessments, tests and exams.

    The workload will depend on factors such as: the number of students, year levels, geographic location, number of subjects/courses selected and whether SIDE provides some or all of the student program.

    Learning at SIDE

    SIDE’s timetable is structured around 40-minute periods. While schools have some capacity to request the best fit for their own timetables during the September – December timetabling period, the timetable reflects SIDE’s own timetabling constraints.

    SIDE teachers are in regular communication with schools and students.

    SIDE uses two main platforms for teaching and learning.

    • Webex is the SIDE platform for live, online lessons. Two Webex lessons per week are timetabled for many SIDE subjects/courses.
    • Moodle is SIDE’s 24/7 learning management system where students complete work independently, under the direction and guidance of their teachers.
  • Organising to be an effective SIDE supervisor

    School-based supervisors and students receive lots of SIDE communication by email, Moodle announcements and phone. Setting up your own way of organising these communications makes it easier to support students.

    Some tips:

    • If you are new to SIDE supervision read Fast Track to SIDE to find out more.
    • Check your emails regularly, at least twice daily.
    • Store emails so that you can find them, eg in folders by student name.
    • Consider keeping a diary for important details in each week, eg student due dates, problems with IT, etc.
    • Display student timetables indicating Webex lesson times and other times spent in subject/course work eg in Moodle, completing tasks, etc.
    • Make sure the SIDE Regional Coordinator has your phone number and knows when you are available for calls.
  • Getting students started with SIDE

    SIDE Website is the best source of information.

    • Contact the SIDE Regional Coordinator. They will usually contact you, however their details can be found at HELP & RESOURCES > SECONDARY 7-12 SUPPORT
    • Confirm that students from your school are enrolled with SIDE, their subjects/courses and their SIDE timetabled lesson times. Lesson times are available on the SIDE website > 2025 TIMETABLE OPTIONS
    • Ensure that students have access to a quiet and well-equipped learning environment including a workspace and suitable IT.
    • Go to HELP & RESOURCES > LEARNING ONLINE > TROUBLESHOOT on the SIDE website for ICT assistance. If necessary, escalate issues you cannot sort out to the relevant level eg school IT support, Department of Education Help Desk.

    Students new to SIDE

    • Refer to the information under the tab.
    • Ensure students activate their Moodle account by logging in once (follow instructions under HELP & RESOURCES >SUPPORT RESOURCES > STARTING AT SIDE). To log in, they require their Department of Education (DoE) username and password.
    • Once students have activated their Moodle account, students will automatically be enrolled in an orientation course called SIDE Launchpad. As soon as students have been allocated to a teacher and have an active Moodle account, students will be added to their relevant subject courses and/or classrooms.
    • If required ensure students have purchased texts and/or received materials from SIDE Dispatch.

    Student personal organisation

    Assist students to:

    • make a list of SIDE contacts including phone numbers and email addresses
    • create a composite Due Dates Calendar and double check these against the assessment dates provided in Moodle
    • create their own timetable reflecting their SIDE timetable and their school timetable.

    Resources to assist with student organisation can be downloaded from the next tab SUPPORTING STUDENT ORGANISATION.

  • Keeping students connected at SIDE


    • Contact the Regional Coordinator about all student absences and ask them to advise SIDE teachers know.
    • Monitor student participation, especially attendance at Webex lessons and use of Moodle.


    • Start of week – review with students work due during the week, changes in due dates, reminders, etc.
    • Check students have written this information in their school diary.
    • Encourage students to maintain contact with teachers especially if they have problems.
    • Identify issues that may impact on student performance and discuss these with the Regional Coordinator.
    • Use a whiteboard for timetables or date due reminders.
    • Communicate with parents as appropriate.

School-based supervisor information booklet