Mr Eakins recounted stories of the unintended positive outcomes of the Correspondence School lessons. One of these concerned a new student at the Correspondence School whose mother spoke Italian and and only a little English.

The family had settled on a new farm many miles from a school. The first sets of lessons were posted to the family, and were  returned completed to the School with a covering letter written by a neighbour. The girl's mother had not been able to understand the lessons, and had taken the child to the lonely roadside to ask the first passer-by for help. This happened to be a neighbouring settler, who with his wife, continued to provide the child with regular assistance. The student was with the School for five years, after which she was sent to boarding school mainly for the companionship of other girls. The final letter from her mother to the School described how she herself had completed every set of lessons with her daughter and that she had benefited greatly by doing so. (Source: The WA Correspondence School Perth, its pioneer years)