Materials for students were developed as fortnightly units, or sets, creating 18-20 sets per year. Sets for each subject were sent to students, and then the whole set, or part of the set, was returned to teachers for marking. This established a regular cycle of work which was sent to students and received by teachers through the postal service. It was a huge task for the teachers as the materials needed to be written, often by hand, and then transferred by a typist to a duplicator.
207 students were enrolled from Eucla and Busselton in the south, to Port Hedland in the north. This group included disabled students who were unable to attend a rural school. Over 1919 the curriculum was extended from English, Arithmetic and Writing, to include the subjects of History, Geography and Nature Study.
The Education Department moved its location again in Late 1919 to premises next to the Government Printer's in Murray Street.