Three generations – Continued

My mother - Jean Murray (nee Lukis) has recorded some of her memories of distance education, and here I reflect on one of my favourite subjects when I did my schooling with distance education.


Susan embroideryWhen I studied with distance education in the late 1960s, I really looked forward to my sewing lessons coming from the Correspondence School. This subject was called Needlework and there was a special Needlework teacher at the school. I think her name was Mrs Maley. Embroidery was part of these Needlework lessons. I enjoyed the letters I received from the Needlework teacher with each package. Of course I would have to reply with the return work. The items were fun to make and gave me much pleasure. Perhaps those early lessons cultivated the creative sewing that my sisters enjoy as well.

The photo shows a pot holder, serviette and apron. It was my favourite, and well-used by myself, and later by my daughter as you can tell!! Unfortunately, when my own children Murray and Aticia were at the Carnarvon School of the Air in the 1990s, sewing kits were no longer sent out to students.

Susan kids

Correspondence schooling has been a constant in three generations of schooling and I am grateful to have had that in my life.